Healing Process

Sahna Carmona, Ph.D

All of us are Vulnerable…
Physical Trauma… Emotional Shock…
Unresolved Conflict… Constant Stress…
by Accident or Intention.

When these conditions persist, they are absorbed into our systems. A physical and emotional memory is created and any similar event is a trigger source. We repeat the pain, over and over again, in ways that feel out of our control and make change feel unattainable.

Sometimes we find our thoughts circling some past event. Like a pebble in your shoe can cause pain and unbalance, these unresolved thoughts, feelings, traumas – whatever their source and whatever their size – can distract us from our goals and unbalance our lives.

And… like the pebble…
they can also be dropped back into the ground of experience
from which they came.

Bringing warmth, humor, and presence that are born of a lifetime of experience, Sahna holds your past in the healing present. She creates a safe place to face where you are now, and discover who you can become. In this healing process, that same ground of experience becomes the fertile source of your growing personal wisdom.